About Me

Hey! My name is Cassie Salomon, and I am a passionate artist and primary teacher based on the Gold Coast, Australia. Through Instagram and TikTok I have had the privilege of sharing my love for art with the world. Textured art is my forte, but I love many art forms. I am always seeking new ways to be. creative. From textured art to watercolours, from fine ink drawings to digital illustrations, I embrace the endless possibilities that art presents.

I get a lot of my creativity from my mum, she is an amazing water colour artist (like, truly AMAZING). While our mediums don't have a lot in common, we love spending time creating our own artworks alongside each other.

As a trained Primary Educator, teaching is a profound passion of mine, and through my online courses I LOVE guiding other artists and creatives, helping them unlock their creative potential. It is my goal to create a supportive and inclusive community where everyone feels encouraged to explore their artistic abilities.

Through my artwork, I strive to create a sensory experience that resonates with each viewer. Textured art is different. It breaks away from the traditional boundaries of paintings where you perceive only with your eyes, and it invites its viewers to be immersed in the 3D tactile structure.

So that leads us to where we are now. I have created this online community so that YOU can be involved too. Whether you are wanting to purchase art, or enrol in my online courses, you're a local here now. Welcome to the My Salty Studio community.